The Whirlwind of Next Week

Well, this time next week we will have a baby girl. That's crazy! It's hard to believe that we are living in our last weekend without a child in our home. 

Many of you have asked us what our next week will look like, so here's an overview of what we know. Of course with adoption there are typically many unknowns, so obviously everything is subject to change. 

Monday: Finish packing the car
Tuesday: Hit the road and head to Shreveport, MS
Wednesday: Leave Shreveport, MS and arrive in Houston by lunchtime; touch base with everyone to see when we need to arrive at the hospital
Thursday: Baby Brighten is born!! We also celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary!
Friday: My parents arrive in Houston
Saturday: Brighten is discharged from the hospital and we head to our home away from home!
September 24th - October 3rd: Attorney submits ICPC paperwork and we wait and adjust to life as a family of three in Texas
Week of October 3rd: Head back to Alabama to Bring Brighten to Birmingham!

We could not be more excited. I have a lot of things that I cannot wait to write about, however, out of respect for the process, I will wait until we get through our whirlwind to share some of the amazing things that we've encountered over the last several weeks. 

We are so thankful for you all and all that you've done for us! We truly know the most generous people on the planet and we can't wait for you to meet our Brighten!!
