January Goals: Simplicity

One thing that I have set out to do this month, and hopefully carry throughout the year, is make things simpler. I have a way of over complicating things. The place where I do this the most is in the kitchen. 

When Jason and I got married, I wanted to impress him with my awesome cooking skills. I wanted to be that wife who had dinner on the table the minute he walked in the door, and I always wanted the meal to be impressive. 

Now, we've been married for about 16 months, and I've come to find a few problems with this somewhat idealistic situation.

  1. I have a full time job too. My job is closer to home than Jason's, but I only walk in the door about 10 minutes before he does.
  2. Eating impressive meals is expensive.
  3. We always have too much leftover.
  4. Most extravagant meals aren't necessarily healthy.
  5. We both need to watch what we're eating - me for cholesterol and sugars (diabetes runs in my family and I just found out that heart disease does too) and Jason because he has a milk allergy (and diabetes does run in his family too, so it wouldn't hurt to watch those sugars).
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On December 31st, I listed out my January 2014 Goals on our family chalkboard. One of them was just "Cook Simpler". I wasn't sure what all that meant or entailed, because sometimes I truly do enjoy cooking a nice meal that takes some thought and creativity, but I also know that it's not feasible to do that often.

Monday was the beginning of the first week that I was aiming to cook healthy, but simple. As some of you know, I've been going to Weight Watchers (WW) meetings for a few months, and I'd missed a few meetings because of travel during the holidays. Monday, our meeting was centered around the new WW jump start plan called "Simple Start". I'd received an email about the program on New Years Day, but I like tracking WW PointsPlus (pp), so I just deleted the email and moved on. 

After hearing more about the Simple Start plan, I decided to give it a try. Basically what you do is eat only WW power foods (there's a list of them here), and you don't have to track, PLUS you get 7pp of "indulgences" (aka things that aren't power foods). If you're a WW member already, you can switch your eTools over to "Simply Filling" from the normal pp tracker. I'm someone who needs to write down (or key it in) what I've eaten, just to keep up with it. The wonderful thing about Simple Start and Simply Filling is that you can eat as much or as little of the power foods as you want because they're not bad for you. Our meeting leader said that one lady told her that she had eaten so much popcorn she felt like she was going to pop right out of her chair. Maybe that's a little over the top, but the point is, you're not going to go hungry and you can still eat healthy.

Simple Start is only a 2 week program to get a jump start on weight loss in 2014. But, if you like it, you can switch from pp tracking to Simply  Filling and just follow that plan from now on.

I'm about four days into Simply Filling, and I feel great. It's taken me a few days to get the hang of it because you're only allowed 7pp per day on top of the power foods. Most of the dairy that I had in my kitchen was reduced fat and not fat free, so I've had to use some of my "indulgences" on things that, if they were they fat-free, would be power foods. So that kind of stinks, but I feel like that's a small detail in the big scheme of things.

Simple Start has also REALLY helped me get started cooking simpler. The Simple Start booklet has recipes in it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and indulgences. If you download the app, it has all the same recipes in it as well. The Simple Start booklet also has a shopping list which I am looking forward to using this weekend!

Since I didn't get this list until after I'd done my grocery shopping for the week, I've had to improvise with a few things, but so far I've been pretty happy with how flavorful and filling these power foods are when you combine them! 

I've made my own version of a cheese danish with an light English muffin, fat-free ricotta cheese, and slices of a clementine (you're supposed to use blueberries but I didn't have any).

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I've also made my own version of cinnamon apple oatmeal. It was better than anything I've ever had out of a package!

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If you're like me and you want to begin cooking and eating simpler, here's an example of what my "new and improved" grocery list contains:

  • Box of frozen WW chicken tenders ($6 for 15 chicken tenders lasts us about 8 meals)
  • 1 more meat such as ground turkey/beef or pork tenderloin
  • 3 fruits
  • 3 veggies
  • Bread for sandwiches
  • 2 starches (usually brown rice and sweet potato) 
  • Deli turkey for lunches
  • Cheese sticks 
  • Sliced cheese
  • Greek yogurt
  • Light English muffins
  • Cream cheese
  • Lettuce
  • Milk
  • Cereal
  • A few staples (sour cream, ricotta cheese, mustard, mayo, peanut butter)

I hope that this helps some of you get into a habit of simplifying your diet and kitchen! Happy Friday everyone!

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If you've been following my blog for any period of time, you'll probably noticed that I haven't really blogged about WW before. Well, that was intentional. I wanted to make everyone aware of this great resource if you're looking to eat healthier in 2014, but my journey with WW is really something I'm doing for me and my health, so I don't really want to begin blogging about it on a regular basis. I may post more things like this in the future - just to make all of you aware of the amazing resources that come via WW, but I don't want it to become a common topic. One more thing I will say about it in this post though - If you've ever considered joining WW before, whether you want to lose 10 lbs. or 100 lbs., just join! Go to a meeting. You can go to your own meeting, or send me an email and I'll tell you when and where the meeting I go to is. It's wonderful for resources and accountability, and it's affordable! 

Family Worship

Family Worship may be a phrase that sounds kind of foreign and maybe even a little awkward to a lot of people. The first time I heard my pastor talking about Family Worship, I had this vision in my head of a Mother Goose type woman sitting with her skirt surrounding her in a perfect circle with little children gathered around gazing up at her attentively. I don't know why that was my vision, but it was...I'm a little weird.

But, this past Sunday, when Pastor David began explaining what Family Worship is, and the importance of it, I realized that it was something my family had done most of my life periodically, but we had never had a name for it. Family Worship is basically discipleship in the home. It's formal times of worship as a family, and it's informal teaching moments, as we called them in the Sansom House. I have vivid memories of my family gathering in our living room to pray, or listening to worship music together as we drive around in the car together. Formal and informal. 

Jason and I began doing "sermon dates" occasionally when we were dating. One of us would find a sermon that we wanted to listen to, and we'd bring over our computer or iPod and we'd listen to a sermon together. We also have attended a small group together since before we were even engaged, and I believe that even though that's not family in the sense of DNA or marriage, it's a family of believers - The Body of Christ. Both have been extremely influential in our relationship before and after marriage.

But Sunday as we walked through some tangible ways to draw near to God in 2014, I became undoubtedly convicted about a void in our little family of two - we've never carved out a specific time for Jason and I to engage in Family Worship together on a consistent basic each week. 

Therefore, beginning in 2014, the Morales' will carve out a time for Family Worship each week. Sometimes this may but be reading the bible together, praying, and worshiping. Sometimes it may be a sermon date. But whatever it is, we want to be sure that we don't let that fall by the wayside when life gets going too fast. It's healthy for us to put the brakes on, even if just for 20 or 30 minutes, and just spend time worshiping together. 

Another benefit that we see in beginning Family Worship now is so that it's not a foreign or new concept to add once we have a child. I dream about a day when we have Baby Morales and we seamlessly continue in our tradition of Family Worship, even though I know that realistically, any transition with a new baby is far from seamless :) .

Speaking of children...

...Amazon has the Jesus Storybook Bible Kindle Edition for $1.99 right now. I have heard wonderful things about this bible for children, and I plan on buying a hard copy someday when we have a child, but I went ahead and purchased the Kindle Edition now because it's such a good price.

If you're interested in reading more about Family Worship, you can download this resource and hopefully it will answer any questions you may have. 

I hope that the last few days of posts about growing near to the Lord in 2014 have been an encouragement to you. It's definitely been helpful and encouraging to me to really put my thoughts into words and share what the Lord is teaching me in this new year. My hope and prayer is that putting these thoughts out into the blogisphere helps to hold me accountable in ways over this next year. 

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In the Word - 2014

UPDATED: In light of this post, I found this amazing offer online. You can download 16 of Beth Moore's ebooks FOR FREE. Click here for the link.


Last year at the end of January, I began my first venture to read through the bible in a year. I was completely and utterly convicted about my lack of bible reading after going through the Personal Disciple Making Plan with our former small group (click on the link to download).

So I began following the reading plan that Brook Hills used when they read through the bible in one year with the Radical Experiment. I started attending Brook Hills in August of that year, so I followed along with the New Testament, but I missed so much in the Old Testament that I'd never gone back and revisited it. I also decided that I'd listen to the sermon that Pastor David preached the week that coincided with my reading. 

I'm actually really excited about how far I got in the reading plan. I got to Ecclesiastes. It was a slow process, and I skipped days along the way here and there, but for the most part, I consistently read the bible for an entire year! I cannot tell you how much this has done for my life. 

I'm not very good at memorizing things - I'm much more or a writer and storyteller. But, the Old Testament is FULL of stories and expository literature, and I was captivated by the incredible story of redemption that has taken place from just about the beginning of time, namely since The Fall in Genesis 3. I realized over the last year that I only had glimpses of this incredible story from sermons that I've heard and through bible stories I learned in children's church many years ago. I'd never craved God's Word like this before, but somewhere in the days that passed by in 2013, I had a yearning for His Word like never before. 

I finished up reading Ecclesiastes around the time that Brook Hills announced that we, as a church, would be walking through the bible again, but this time at a slower pace over the course of two years. Honestly, when I picked up the reading plan, I was giddy. I always get excited about beginning a new sermon series at church, but this was at a whole other level. I was waiting and anticipating January 1st like it was Christmas morning.  

Here's my challenge to you: Whether you're a Christian or not, open up a bible, or go to an online bible like biblegateway.com. Begin reading Genesis...and see how the story unfolds. It really is incredible. 

I'll be reading along with Brook Hills' 2014 Bible Reading Plan (click the link to download) and following along with the supplementary book by D.A. Carson For the Love of God (click the link to download the free PDF version of the book). I'm also going to begin journaling most days, which is something I used to do, but have gotten away from in the last few years. 

How can you grow closer to God in 2014? My hope in prayer for all of us to look back at this day on December 31st of this year and know that God has done a magnificent work in our hearts and in our lives because we were obedient to His calling to dive deep into His Word.

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