C-Section Recovery :: A Tale of Been There, Done That

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! You are now the proud parent of a new baby, and you’re a c-section recovery patient. For the next few weeks, you’ll be learning your new little one and also feel like you’re insides are going to fall out every time you stand up. But no worries, it’ll all be worth it and a distant memory before you know it. Until then, there are a few things that I found to be helpful when I had my c-section.

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Oh Boy, It's a Boy!

I’m not sure how many people can put their finger on the calendar and say that this, precisely, is the day we began working toward starting a family. But for us, we can. We turned in our application to Lifeline Children’s Services in pursuit of adopting a male, ages 0-2 from Ethiopia on December 1, 2013. 

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