Whole 30 Week 1: Oh Em Ghee

Thoughts I've had this week:

"This is awesome. I could eat like this forever!"

"How in the world did I get myself into this?"

"If I eat one more avocado I'm going to puke."

"I have so much energy!"

"I just woke up before my alarm on my own."

"If I don't eat that brownie I might die."

"I'm so cranky. I need bread. And chocolate. And Diet Coke. And coffee creamer!"

"I don't think I know how to make chicken very well."

"Cannot get out of bed. Snooze." (X 5)

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Turning Toward 2015

In some ways it's hard to believe that today is the last day of 2014. In other ways, I feel like we should be ringing in 2016 tonight! The days are slow. The waiting is hard. The transitions are daunting. But through every minute of every day, we know that God is faithful and we have peace that we are following in what He has for us. 

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Five Years

On June 9th, I celebrated my 5th Believer Birthday. I'm so thankful for the last five years that the Lord has sharpened me, strengthened me, and guided me. As a tribute to what He's done in my life, I wanted to share the testimony that I wrote a few years ago. I have changed some of it to reflect more recent life stages, but this is my story. 

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