Groove Silicone Rings

When Jason and I were on our honeymoon in the Caymen Islands almost 6 years ago (how?!) there was a man snorkeling near where we were laying on the beach. All of a sudden, he came up on a panic. Me, having the healthy fear of the water and marine life that I strongly adhere to, thought maybe he saw a shark or a giant sting ray. As it turns out, he had not come across something threatening, but instead lost something of mass importance: his wedding ring. 

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A California Company You'll Love

Guess what?! Guest post!! Get excited because today you'll be hearing from my cousin-in-law (Jason's cousin), Audra. Audra and I have only met once in person when we were in California earlier this year, but I feel like we've been friends for years. Her daughter and Brighten are close in age, and it's been so wonderful to have someone with a little girl just a few months ahead of us. Since most of our friendship has developed over email and Facebook Messenger, we laughed a lot at each other's accents when we finally got to meet this year! Audra grew up in New England, and I grew up in Northwest Florida. It was a good time and Jason and I look forward to visiting Audra and her sweet family in Massachusetts sometime soon!

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Harry's for Her

One of the podcasts that I listen to every week has been sponsored by Harry's for years and years. I've loved the idea of supporting a business like Harry's that appreciates good quality in life's mundane tasks, like shaving. But Harry's has always been marketed toward men. So, I've gifted their products to my dad, my father-in-law, and of course Jason has a Harry's razor. But for some reason I'd never thought to try Harry's for myself until I realized that I actually shave much more often than Jason does, but my razor was not nearly as nice as his.

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